About Me

Hey, I’m Brock! I’m an Olde Millennial(TM) transmasc nonbinary mlm (deep breath) artist that graduated from (commercial art school redacted) in 2004 and despite that experience I still like making art somehow. I strive to be Spiritually Weird and unapologetically Queer in everything I do.

I’ve been drawing ever since my parents realized that the way to keep me from irritating everyone at the all-you-can-eat buffet was to hand me a pen and a napkin. When I wasn’t scribbling on innocent surfaces, I was absorbing sci-fi/fantasy novels, videogames, lessons from Jane Goodall and David Attenborough, and whatever my creeping, crawling, flying friends had to teach me. I was an awkwardly weird kid who turned into an unapologetically weird adult, and I’ve learned to bring that weirdness to bear in my art. I believe art should evoke a response, so I hope my work can somehow impact your day and make an impression!

Experience and Credits

  • Charity Artist for RadMagpie 2021 Fundraiser

  • Anthrocon Chairman’s Choice Art Show Winner 2019

  • Vendor at New Year’s Fur Bowl, Anthro New England, Furthemore, Baltimore Comic Con, and Awesomecon